CASPA Tips and Tricks
If you used MyPAbox to find your programs, you’re probably a fan of working efficiently. Work smarter, not harder, right? Here are certain hacks, tips, and tricks that can help when it comes time for you to apply on CASPA. Applying is always an arduous process, so let’s make it be as smooth as possible.
1. Creating an account the year prior
Yes, you can create an account the year prior to the one you intend to submit in! That way, a lot of your information rolls over and is already entered and ready to go. There are certain things that do not roll over, but a lot of it including your info and transcript entry typically does. This can help jump start your submission in your intended application year.
In addition, if you do not want to do this, you can still make an account simply to play around with it and see what the application asks of you. If you do this, I recommend making an account with a different email than the one you intend on using for your true application year, if you are just using a mock account to look around the application.
2. Enter your own transcripts
Upon entering the transcript section of CASPA, you will need to enter every transcript from your bachelor’s degree and any additional prerequisite classes in fine detail. When you are in this section, CASPA will offer a transcript entry service. I do not recommend you do this as there have been many reports of the professional entry service still having errors. You still have to comb through it to check for accuracy, and if there are errors, go through the process to rectify them. So, just do it yourself. It is tedious, but you will get it done.
3. Submit as you go
You can finish one program and submit your application, and it will not submit to the other programs you have added to your CASPA. Meaning, if you finish one application in its entirety, there is no reason for you to wait to finish all of the other schools before you submit. You can go ahead and send that one off and be done with it!
4. Rolling admissions first
Utilizing tip #3, you should strategically submit your rolling admissions programs first. Find out which of the programs on your list are standard admission vs. rolling admission (rolling = they accept students into seats as the applications are submitted, aka submitting earlier is beneficial; standard admissions = every application will be looked at equally after the deadline, aka submitting earlier makes no difference). Here is an article on how to find your perfect PA school schools. Since you can submit to individual schools, try to finish those that utilize rolling admissions first!
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