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Unlocking Your Dream Job: Strategies for Success

Unlocking Your Dream Job: Strategies for Success

Certainly, here are some strategies for pre-Physician Assistant (pre-PA) students to unlock their dream job and achieve success in their journey towards becoming certified PAs: 1. Start Early: Begin your journey to becoming a PA by researching the profession, admission…

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How to Stay Current and Advance Your Career

How to Stay Current and Advance Your Career

Continuing education is crucial for Physician Assistants (PAs) to maintain their competence, stay current with medical advancements, and advance their careers. Here's a guide on how PAs can effectively pursue ongoing education: 1. Stay Informed: Medical Journals: Subscribe to reputable…

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5 Ways to Prevent Burnout as a PA

5 Ways to Prevent Burnout as a PA

Protecting yourself against burnout as a Physician Assistant (PA) is crucial for maintaining your well-being and providing the best care for your patients. Here are some strategies to help you prevent burnout: 1. Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between work…

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Providing Care to Children as a PA

Providing Care to Children as a PA

Providing care to children requires specific skills, knowledge, and a compassionate approach. Here are some key considerations for physicians assistants (PAs) when it comes to caring for children: 1. Pediatric Training: PAs should undergo specialized training in pediatrics to develop…

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How to network on your clinical rotations

How to network on your clinical rotations

It’s no secret that we all want to land a job either before or shortly after graduating from PA school. And for many of us, this is a process that is full of intimidation and the unknown - kind of…

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Dealing with Difficult Patients

Dealing with Difficult Patients

Dealing with difficult patients can be a challenging aspect of being a healthcare professional, including as a Physician Assistant (PA). Here are some strategies to effectively manage difficult patient interactions: 1. Practice Empathy and Active Listening: Show empathy and understanding…

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Keeping up with the latest developments

Keeping up with the latest developments

There are three crucial reasons why it is important for Physician Assistants (PAs) to keep up with the latest developments in the field: 1. Providing High-Quality Patient Care: Staying updated with the latest developments in medicine ensures that PAs are…

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What I Would Do Differently - Clinical Edition

What I Would Do Differently – Clinical Edition

Clinical rotations entail being thrown into a new speciality, meeting a whole new group of people, and possibly being in a new hospital or facility … EVERY MONTH. It is no surprise that this can be anxiety inducing and tricky…

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