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Fine details of the PA school interview day

Fine Details of the PA School Interview Day


Yes, you need to wear a full suit to your interview day (unless they explicitly state they want otherwise). Keep it a solid, neutral color, that will not have any questions in regards to its professionalism. Suit/professional shoes as well, but also make sure they are comfortable – you will often be on your feet for a chunk of the day. Hair should be neat, and if you choose to wear any makeup, keep it minimalistic and professional.

Items to bring

Bring a notepad and pen to take notes on things you want to remember, or jot down a question you have (this can be added to the questions you add at the end of your interview!). Ideally, this notepad can be in a professional portfolio. You’ll also want to bring water just in case none is provided (but it often is). If they provided you an itinerary of the day beforehand, you can also have this handy with you in your portfolio.

Be aware of the structure of the day

Usually the program will send out info on the structure of the day. If not, try to acquire this info beforehand, if possible. That way you can have a little bit of a better idea of the day and how to prepare. Usually there are various components of the day, from tours to lectures to Q/As, and not to mention the actual interview portion. Having an idea of what to expect can not only alleviate some stress but also be helpful.

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Be aware of the structure of the interview

By structure, I mean if it’s an one-on-one interview, two-on-one, group interview, etc. Sometimes there are 2-3 separate interviews. Is it with faculty, practicing PAs, or both? You can get an idea of this at the PA forum (oftentimes), or you can ask admission what the interview style/structure is, if they are able to provide that information.

Be excited

You will be nervous, everyone is, and that is totally normal. But try to be excited if you can, because it is exciting! You made it to this step, and that in and of itself is an accomplishment you should be proud of. Be thankful you are there, and make the best of the experience.

Here is another article about PA School interview: The Dreaded “Tell Us About Yourself” Interview Question For PA School

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